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How are animals becoming extinct?

   Since the animals have evolved species continue to become extinct. The most well-known example of extinct species is that of the dinosaurs. Often the species cannot adjust fast enough to the changing environmental conditions, or new species arise and displace the existing ones. Today, many species are becoming extinct because of the actions of humans. Elephants, big cats, and rhinos are hunted ruthlessly, forest areas are cleared, and the grey whales are endangered. These are only a few of the species mentioned in the ' Red List'.

Do you know about 'Red List'?
    'Red List' comes under organization IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature). The list of endangered species is known as the Red List. It lists all those plant and animal species that  are facing the threat of extinction worldwide. The list is revised every 2 years. For the year 2006, the list contained around 16,000 species of plants and animals; 530 species more than the list for 2004. One-fourth of elephants, rhinos, gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, most species of whales, and half of all vertebrates living in freshwater are also part of the Red List.

Why are animals like elephants, black bear, rhinos, seals hunted?
    Elephants are hunted for their tusks. These are made of ivory and were used to make jewellery sold at high prices. Many elephants were shot for their tusks, and even today they have to be protected from poachers in wildlife parks. Other animals are also hunted for their body parts. The Asian black bear is hunted for its gall bladder, rhinos for their horns, seals and big cats for their skin. A few wild species of crocodiles are killed because their skin is used for making bags and shoes. Hunting is also done for the thrill of the chase and a greed for the trophy, such as a bear or tiger skin.

Why did dinosaurs become extinct?
    Dinosaurs existed on Earth 65 million years ago. Today, the scientists believe that their mass extinction was triggered by a huge meteorite hit to the east of Mexico. The meteorite impact caused blasts and flood waves. Huge quantities of poisonous gases filled the Earth's atmosphere. Then there was acid rain that polluted the seas and the plants died. Huge dust clouds blocked the heat from the sun and it became cold. The cold-blooded dinosaurs became sluggish and starved. Young ones did not hatch from their eggs. Only the small animals, which adapted themselves quickly and did not need a lot of food, survived.


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